Our Municipality
Services provided by the Municipality of Kincardine include
Parks & Trails
Recreation Programs and Facilities
Garbage & Recycling
Fire, Police & Emergency preparedness
Permits & Licenses
Roads, Sidewalks, Bicycle & Airport infrastructure
Water & Sewer services
Planning & development, including Building Code enforcement ​
Municipal Administration Centre
1475 Concession 5 Rd. Kincardine, ON N2Z 2X6
Quick Links
Our Council
The Municipality of Kincardine is represented by a 9-member council. Council is responsible for enhancing overall community well-being by providing strategic direction to staff, determining project and service priorities and effectively managing municipal assets.
Council and Committee Meetings
Agendas and minutes for Council and Committee meetings are posted on the Municipality of Kincardine website.
Connecting with Council
There are several ways to ​connect with your local government. Besides contacting individual members of council directly, residents can communicate with council in the following ways:
To reach all members of council, emails can be sent to council@kincardine.ca ​
Formal Correspondence
Individuals can submit correspondence to Council or Committees by regular mail or email via the Clerk - clerk@kincardine.ca. Correspondence relating to agenda items will be included on the appropriate agenda.
Individuals may register present a 5 minute delegation to council. Registration is coordinated by the Clerk. ​
Individuals may submit petitions to Council provided that they follow the Municipality of Kincardine Petitions Policy.
For more detailed information on contacting Council and Committees, please visit the Municipality of Kincardine website.
Municipal Issues
The Municipality of Kincardine has established several methods to enable residents to report a concern, file a complaint or provide feedback
Report a By-Law Infraction
To report a By-Law infraction, call ​226-910-1322 x 0.
Property Standard and Clean & Clear Yard complaints
Report a Concern / Make a Service Request
Citizens are encouraged to report concerns or make a service request about municipal issues such as accessibility, billing, drainage, garbage and recycling pickup, parking, parks & trails, road and sidewalk repair, signs, streetlights, trees, water or sewer.
After-hours emergency contact information:
Water and Sewer Services : 519-396-4660
Call 519-396-3468 and listen to prompts
Emergency Services
In an emergency, calling 9-1-1 will connect residents to dispatch for police, fire and ambulance services.
Ambulance / Paramedics
Bruce County Paramedic Services provides ambulance services in the MOK. For non-emergencies, call 519-881-1291 ex 318.
Fire Services
For non-emergencies, contact Municipality of Kincardine Fire Services at 519-396-2141.
Police Services
The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) provide policing services in the Municipality of Kincardine. To make a non-urgent report, call 1-888-310-1122. The administration office can be reached at 519-396-3341.
Alternative Services & Supports
Residents can call 2-1-1 or visit 211ontario.ca to be connected to local government and community-based health and social services. This service is free, confidential and available 24 hours a day. ​
Member of Parliament, Huron-Bruce
Ben Lobb
Assistance with federal departments, agencies and crown corporations including: Employment Insurance, Passports, Citizenship and Immigration, Firearms Licensing, Service Canada, Revenue Canada, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS).
Member of Provincial Parliament, Huron-Bruce
Lisa Thompson
Assistance with provincial government services such as health care, education, family & social supports, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP).
About Beth
Beth Blackwell was acclaimed as a member of the Municipality of Kincardine Council in 2022. She is incredibly proud to represent Ward 1, where she works, shops, volunteers and lives with her husband Glen, son Charlie and miniature dachshund Jazz. Beth has a diverse work history, including positions in government, non-profit, charitable and private sectors.
As a Councillor, Beth is committed to working together - with council members, staff, committees, residents, community groups and government partners - to ensure the Municipality of Kincardine thrives, both today and for generations to come. Her priorities include responsible growth and development, sustainable resource management and creating services, programs and spaces that are accessible, reflect our growing diversity and support safe, healthy and resilient communities.
Current Appointments ​
Striking Committee
Community Safety & Well-Being Committee
Committee of Adjustments
Natural Vegetation and Tree Ad-Hoc Committee
Annual Impact Reports
Annual Reports are intended to highlight collective efforts of hardworking Municipal staff and Council colleagues, with the goal of keeping the community engaged and informed.
Much has been accomplished in 2023 despite many challenges, such as dynamic and rapid-fire changes to provincial legislation and a steep learning curve for new Councillors.
While it is demanding, the first year as a member of Council was invigorating. Discussions with staff, Council colleagues, subject experts and the community brought forward innovative ideas to make our Municipality more sustainable, inclusive and vibrant.
Regularly Scheduled Constituency Hours
Tuesdays 9am - 12pm
Friday 9am - 1pm
Follow Beth​
Connect with Beth
Get support with a constituent concern
Share an achievement, event or update for Beth to include during Councillor's Announcements
Meet with Beth to discuss your idea, vision or priority for our community